Monday, December 28, 2015

2016: Back on the Blog

There is just something about the end of the year that makes me excited to set some new goals and refocus on doing some of those things that I love and that bring me joy in my life.  Yes, I love my family dearly, but for a girl like me who has what seems like 101 hobbies and a burning desire to be creative, I have decided it's about time I sit down and dedicate some time to soothing my inner self.  I have really missed writing here, doing projects and creating photos to share with you!

A dear friend gave me a beautiful journal for Christmas, and I have decided to dedicate it to my creative ideas for 2016.  With its watercolor cover by Hennie Hayworth adorned with the Eiffel Tower and Audrey Hepburn's "Paris is always a good idea." quote, I think it sets the mood for the perfect place to capture and record the random thoughts and ideas that come to me.  Whether words, sketches or little bits of nonsense to remind me of a thought or image, I will use it as my creative closet for the year.  Here I will hang ideas that are colorful, boring, far-fetched, impossible, totally random, personal, emotional, insightful and anything else that comes up!

To me, creativity is of a personal nature, what I love, you may not.  The beauty of this is that everything has a uniqueness that can't be duplicated.  I tend to be the girl who uses the the thread that stands out when I sew, or the one who changes something once casted away to the junk pile into something wonderful.  In my opinion, creativity is about experimentation and finding what works and what doesn't.   

As I prepare for the new year and new {more creative} me, I am excited for the journey ahead.  Do you want to join in and share what inspires you to create?  I would love to hear from you.  

Officially back on the blog for 2016...Xo~Mollykid 



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